Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Dev talk

 Testing wise there are 2.5 characters left~

The main route that then branches into separate stories still needs to be looked at. For the most part it's been combed through during Patreon testing, but it still needs some double checking
5.5 characters still need proof reading
And then there's a lot of behind the scenes stuff for me to take care of: like lowering the volume of songs/sounds that are outside of appropriate levels. Updating the credits with all Patreon names. etc.

My art todo list also increased >.< As testing has found that there are pieces that have errors in them. For instance Mark's backgrounds constantly change from day to night, Adam is missing his facial piercings. Some of the stalkers, Sebastian's and David's faces are old and need to be updated (missed them) as well as making a few new backgrounds/CG's for the rewards of completing all endings.

But yea, This is where things are at the moment.

I am considering though how "perfect" my release needs to be. And that if it's ok to update art at a later date so I don't miss my self imposed deadline. 🤔 I guess this is called a soft release/pre-release? I don't know the terminology though. But I do wonder if you guys would rather Love Lock be released but art be like... not perfect according to a perfectionists standards. Or to wait? 🤔 Maybe I'll put this to a vote.

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