Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Hey everyone, I just wanted to announce that I'm having a summer sale on Unknown merch (bundle) 

50% off until September 1st, 2024.

email: or dm me on discord to make a purchase

9 Bundles currently left

Love Lock DLC Concept art

I don't know if I've spoken about this publicly or not but I am going to make a DLC for Love Lock that changes all stalker/kidnapers genders to either female only, male only, or randomized.

This is some of the concept art for the gender swap

 Sebina (DLC)

Marcella (DLC)

Davetta (DLC)

Ada (DLC)


 18/75(?) backgrounds left to create. 


 Backgrounds~ 🙂 Hope to get a lot of them done.


 Not much in the way of news lately with my current hiatus but after taking some time off I was finally able to come up with 10 achievements for each abduction route in Love Lock, so that's a relief. 

Walter = 12
David = 13
Olive = 10
Rebecca = 9
Damien = 9
Daniella = 9
Sebastian = 14
Stalker = (TBA as he's not finished being written)
Mark = TBA (will update this when I finish it)
Hidden Route = 13
General = about 6 for now

So that's about:

🏆 95+ Achievements you can find in the game.

The general plan

 Not much of an update but I was putting a list together so that I can prioritize what to work on and thought you all might like to know what my current short term goals are.

Monday, February 12, 2024

 Can I walk you home is finished and just in time for Valentines day :)

 The menu~

 Can I walk you home's writing is finished with 7 endings to the story. :3

Hitting a snag though... So I've got this color scheme and design of brown and orange, to blend with the light colors.

But then I got creative with the menu >.> I really like the idea of road signs, I really do. but the textbox and ui are clashing as a result... and I'm not sure what to do. 🤔 or which to go with.

I love that the big road sign gives me an area to put things that make sense though. I really love that aspect.

 Patrick is getting a Voice actor! Casting call was placed today. I can't wait to see what they come up with

 Achievement page is in progress, currently the Hidden Character is the only one with all their achievements in : 13

And lastly in regards to Love Lock news: I am working on the recasting the voice of Sebastian and getting more Voice lines for Daniela~ 

And of course the update~ Look at all those check marks 
Mark entered stage 03~ and the Hidden Character is very close to Stage 03

Leaving 3 Chapters left.