Thursday, July 28, 2022

Keep or Kill Itch Page 

The page is up and created!

There's no demo yet though, just a page.

Keep or Kill Official Trailer


WIP Trailer

 Working on the trailer. So far this is what I have 



Not much of an update, it's mostly just been writing lately. So I wanted to share the graphs with you so you can see the progress.

In Achievable endings Marks route has shot up to 12, I don't remember what I said my goal are was, probably 17-20, I'm certain he'll have enough content to meet my expectations.

In the second graph this is the code line count. 5000 lines of code is roughly 22,000 - 24,000 words. 

22,000 words is 44 pages single-spaced or 88 pages double-spaced. Typical documents that are 22,000 words include include novels, novellas, and other published books.

Mark's route is very close to meeting my expectations and will achieve it as it's not finished yet. While it's close to my expectations there's still a lot of loose ends in his route to write, so I don't see if being done this month sadly.

Sebastian face design

 Through popular vote (which was my favorite one too) My art style has finally reached it's final form. Sebastian's art should be completed along with all the blinks fixed today~!~

HURRAY cheek bones~ 

Poster Update

 One Sebastian done, and many faces to redo 😆 I ended up finally finding the way I had wanted the art to look all along, sooooooo 4th times the charm :3 it won't be much of a redo, just a few CG's 🙂

Rebecca is done, and the beginning of Katie is underway~

Thursday, July 7, 2022

WIP background

WIP a bacground for David's route

Poster WIP

 Working on a group poster/wallpaper. I should probably be writing but something about picking up Mark's route from last month is intimating to me. 🤔

Body Pillow

 WIP of a Sebastian/Damien body pillow art piece: 60cm x 180cm

It's HUGE(images size) my computer is not happy about the scale of this image, but it's handling it 🙂 Should be interesting. I'm planning on making this double sided for printing purposes, now that I know an amazing site for printing.

I really want to make key chains too. 😮


 LOL I found this while looking for the WIP shimeji's. Oh Seb... your face was a nightmare XD lmfao


Haven't given a statistic in a while.

The game contains 24,343 dialogue blocks, containing 218,347 words and 1,090,625 characters, for an average of 9.0 words and 45 characters per block. The game contains 466 menus, 1,009 images, and 288 screens.

Face Sprite

Made a David crazy face, pretty happy with the results.

Sunday, June 26, 2022