I just figured out Damien's background story! It's quite dark, that's about all I'll say.
You can read about it below if you'd like but it's massive spoilers
I just figured out Damien's background story! It's quite dark, that's about all I'll say.
You can read about it below if you'd like but it's massive spoilers
Haven't written an update in a while so figured I should let you all know what's up.
The hidden chapter is like… 1/3 done, kind of halted as I don't know where to take it at the moment.
I'm starting brain storming on Damien and Rebecca. I need to find uh… sounds lame but like their… voice? :thinking: I kind of method write? So finding an emotion or thought that's in their head driving their actions is necessary or my writing will be really flat. It's not motivation, as that's like their goal, which is different. Similar but different.
Every character has one.
Olive: I forget sorry >~<
Mark: "Let me make it right!" "It's not over!" (desperation and ignorance)
Daneila: "You're pathetic" (just general hatred and sadism)
Walter: "What's the matter porkchop!" (taunting and amusement were the feelings)
Hidden character: "You.. You don't GET IT!!!! why don't you understand. I'm DOING THIS for YOU!!!! I don't want to keep you locked up!!! I JUST.. I JUST!!!! DAMN IT!!!!! WHY CANT YOU APPREICATE THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU?!" (Desperation, grief)
Sebastian: "You're mine!" (possessive/obsession)
David: "bye bye bunny" (mocking, empty, sad)
So I till need to figure out Damien and Rebecca's voice before I can write them.
(oof it won't let me embed the link :( )
I need a bit of time to figure out the itch.io details of it, and uh… oh dear… android I've never even tested it on that... but uh I'm hoping it will be available for purchase tonight. :)
I've decided that I'll try not to reuse backgrounds for the most part except for that hallway of an apartment building. There's no way I can create another that doesn't look the same anyhow. Long ass hallway, carpet, doors, bleh they're all gonna look the same regardless. This decision.. maaaaaaaay change but for this moment right now this is how I feel
Feels like it needs something else on this screen as it's really empty… but what I wonder
Got all the GUI finished last night~
took a while to figure out how I wanted it to look. And how to implement it. Overall I'm satisfied with it. May bring in the options look into Love Lock Later on. Not sure though.
Just found my mascot! I had contemplated the bunny before and have an animation of it, but I didn't have an image per say to use. Now I do.
Backgrounds from Unknown, In this background are wallpapers I've created for Love Lock that will eventually make it's way to the bunny tier!
Backgrounds from Unknown, So this is one of the problem pictures. I am so proud of this hallway. There is not a lot going on there and it's easy for it too long plain and boring but I managed to spice it up. With that said, Love Lock needs a hallway... I don't think it's possible for me to make another hallway and it not look exactly the same as this. So even though I made this for Unknown, I want to use it in Love Lock.
Working on a side character for Unknown. hoping this screams "Get the fuck out of my apartment. Bitch who you think you are calling the cops... how dare you almost get kidnapped and bring that shit here when it's bedtime!!" XD