Unknown is about 3/4 finished. Or at least according to what I can see of the flow chart it looks like that. (Writing that is nothing else[It's a small game.])
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Messing around with branding again. I'm very happy with the new Patreon banner but I feel like the little circle for an icon is lack luster. I think it needs to be B.B branded not just Love Lock. So I've been fiddling around with some ideas whiiiiiiich brings me back to the bunnies.
Which is troublesome... I'm worried that my name "BondageBunny" will have my work confused with furry work or that having a bunny as a mascot/icon would make it seem like I create furry work which may leave people who are looking for furry work disappointed and those looking for stalker/bdsm work not notice. My work on itch is already classified as furry as the "games related to Love Lock" is all furry content which is unfortunate as that blocks people from finding me through related games like btd which is my only concern when it comes to the bunny aspect of my name. :thinking: I would love you hear your guys's thoughts on this as you are my audience.
New Patreon Banner
And all of the previous art updates were to put towards the new Patreon banner~
Angel Writing sample
A writing clip from Angel:
angel "finally you're fucking awake."
angel "I was about to think I'd have to slit your throat and move on to the next one."
angel "But I guess you do get to be a lucky maggot afterall, don't you."
angel "Welcome to the one an only true experience you'll ever fucking get"
angel "Life at its root. Meaningless, and pathetic."
angel "I'm going to show you the real me."
angel "The one who doesn't give a fuck."
angel "Unfair, isn't it?"
angel "but hey that's just what life is isn't."
angel "unfair."
angel "much like the shit I'm about to put you through."
angel "so, why don't we start with begging."
angel "get it all out of your system and realize no matter what you fucking do you can't control me."
angel "go on?"
angel "This is you're one and only chance."
So this one is well not new, but progress on her is. Her name is Angel. She is not an angel. She is a pysco dom lady who uses the name angel as her dom name.
Unknown Sprite
wow so much art happened tonight. o.o so.. much... art... first of all. More work done on "Unknown". He doesn't have a name. Least not yet.
New Patreon Header
New Patreon header (for the time being. Still trying to flesh out something I like)
I don't have a header or logo for Umbra yet, so shes pretty plain in the corner. Also only showing a foot so I don't get flagged for nudity 😅 XD