Sunday, August 13, 2023

Mr. Unknown stickers

 Thank god it's a chibi cause I don't know whats going on with that right elbow 😂


Working on a sticker for Mr. Unknown.

Show and Tell~

 Video starts off with the recording application but this is a Love Lock video of the current things added! I worked really hard on these things and wanted to show you all.

Things I'm show and telling:

1. Menu sound effects~

2. Main menu music :ghost: 

3. Animated menu screen (animations not complete there are peeps missing but I got it set up)

4. a little > after text lines~ 

5. No more heads popping off while skipping!~

6. BondageBunny Brand intro video~

7. New gender menu screen

8. Click to continue SFX

Art update on Rebecca

Just updating her face to the new art style I'm going with. There's not much of a change but it's there :3

Writing sample of Rebecca

Writing Sample of Rebecca:

POV "Get over it!"
POV "I don't love you."
POV "I'm never going to love you."
POV "It's over."
"She stares at me with hollow eyes as she thinks over what I've said."
Rebecca "No..."
Rebecca "You're wrong..."
POV "You know I'm not."
Rebecca "YOURE WRONG!"
"I'm started as Rebecca starts screaming all of a sudden."
Rebecca "Cause if it doesn't..."
"Her eyes look dead with rage."
"I find myself shrinking into myself from fear."
Rebecca "Then..."
"She thinks it over carefully."
Rebecca "Then you deserve to feel as horrible as I do."
"I start to regret breaking her illusion of hope."
"She starts to laugh to herself."
Rebecca "You're right..."
Rebecca "What was I thinking."
Rebecca "This isn't going to get better."
Rebecca "Theres no saving this."
Rebecca "You ruined it all!"
Rebecca "You're..."
"She can barely put her thoughts together."
Rebecca "You need to pay for all this."

Damien Animations

Damien's animation!

So since it deals with hypnosis, I added a "Help" button and there's a trigger in there to use it if you happen you get hypnotized. Where it will then relocate the game to make Damien say time to wake up 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, awake

Damien Sprite Art

 Sprite art today :3


 Oh I also went through the majority of all endings so that instead of being blank when locked, they are dimmed making it easier for you guys to look them up in guides later on. Like with what I did for Unknown. Still got a few more characters to do this with but most of them have it now.


 I haven't announced in a while so I thought I'd share a bit of what I'm up to.

One of the things I did was went through David's route and changed all this sprites to reflect what time of day it is (so he's not bright against a dark background) Now that I think about it I wonder if there are other areas of the game that need this.... >.> I just know that David looks quite bright against these backgrounds in particular as there are no street lamps. The paramedic is going to need the same expression.

other than that I haven't been working on anything visual or written. 
I've been mostly adding sound effects, sprites and voice lines to Mark/David and Damien's routes, getting them all polished up and complete outside of finished art.
Visually I worked on adding achievements to each routes and making a better looking achievement screen. (spoilers in the achievement window)


Mark's route ended up with 34 endings! o.o

I wonder how many endings the game has right now as a whole 🤔 

34 + 28 + 21 +  53 + 9 + 22 + 15 + 21 = 203 endings in total so far.


 Just finished Damien's polishing touches (outside of music) now I'm slowly closing in on Marks

Some Statistics


The game contains 33,033 dialogue blocks, containing 278,763 words and 1,393,479 characters, for an average of 8.4 words and 42 characters per block. The game contains 609 menus, 1,386 images, and 385 screens.

WIP CG Damien

 NSFW spoiler

it's like just an outline but one of his more sexier cg's. lmao I always ask myself this when drawing these images. "When the characters getting a blow job what the hell does he do with his arms. Make shadow puppets?!" xD anyway they are stuck off to the sides all awkwardly atm. XD

I just haven't shown any art in a while and wanted to show you guys a little some'ng some'ng~